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Amko Soft Technologies Products
Delivering Custom Solutions
Amko Soft Technologies
Job Consultancy Management Application

This application makes ease of the complete process of resume archives, job posting, resumes short listing etc., of any job consultancy organisations. It serves 3 set of people jobseekers, employers and the administrators of the organisation.

Physician Query Generator

This application is a directory of medical records of patients of 'n' number of hospitals and genrates reports based on the hospital, medical record number, disease, consultation date, physician etc.,. It serves 3 set of people Physicians, Hospital admin and super admin of the organisation.

Content Management System

It provides an interface to the website owners to add/edit/ delete any pages in the website. The website users can change the content in any of the pages when ever required with a minimum knowledge of how to operate a website or computer.

Newsletter Management System

It provides an interface to the website owners to send bulk emails to 'n' number of users at any time. The website owner can create templates of samples of thier own and can send emails using the saved template at a later stage. The website users can send emails when ever required with a minimum knowledge of how to operate a website or computer.

College Administrative System

This application can be used in any of the schools / colleges to save the students information , teachers information, class schedules, attendance of each class, attendance of each student and generate reports on a daily, weekly, monthly basis.

One-Stop solution for schools, College and Universities. All these servies will be offered by Amko Soft College Administrative System. Our application offers highly convenient ways to manage education Institution related activities for Parents, Teachers and Management with the simple touch of a finger.

We're here to cater for your specialized and customized needs by constantly working with a dedicated team of experts adding value to get you optimal solutions for a range of academic needs.

For more Information Kindly visit Our Demo Site

E-Commerce Application

This application can be used to sell the products online through out the world. It provides logins for buyers to update their shiping address, billing address, track orders etc., and the administrators login to manage the products, customers and orders .

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